I must apologise for not having kept up to date with my blog postings, but life has been rather hectic recently.
Those of you who have been waiting with bated breath for news of the splendid new concrete steps which Sandwell have been constructing for the last 10 months, with the help of the National Lottery, need wait no longer.
The great news is that they are, almost, finished.
And the even greater news is that the handrails, which for so long didn't seem to feature at all in the design, have at last made an entrance. And to be fair to Sandwell, they appeared, one sunny day, about 3 weeks ago.
Actually, it is more accurate to say that most of them appeared about 3 weeks ago.
For some reason, the top section on one side wasn't installed then.
It looked like another metaphor for Sandwell MBC, ie something which appeared not to be quite all there, and badly in need of finishing off.
But Halleluja!! Last week the missing bits turned up and are now in place.
Of course, the concrete steps are still not open to the public. There's probably going to be a Grand Opening by the Mayor, like the one Sandwell had in March to celebrate the opening of the Main Avenue and Drinking Fountain. If you're lucky, there might be a jazz band as well, and refreshments - just like last time.
But then again, you might have to wait a while yet.
Last November, when I was commenting on the incredibly slow progress of the destruction of the stone stairway and construction of the concrete steps, I, somewhat tongue in cheek, said that at the then rate of progress it could be this March before it was finished. I added, even more tongue in cheek, that allowing for the Winter months, it could be August before Sandwell lumbered to some sort of a concluion.
Well, dear readers, March started just over 3 months ago, and August starts in a little under 2!!!!!!!!
You can write the next bit yourselves!
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